I’ve purchased and played every single battlefield release. I’m a huge bad company 2 fan and a huge bf4 fan. Battlefield 2042 is unfathomably terrible. Battlefield 2042 is a perfect example of greed and a company that simply does not care what they release. Battlefield 2042 is the death of one of the greatest Xbox games of all time and a scam that will go down in history. These guys should be charged and incriminated for this cash grab.
Graphics are worse than bad company 2.
Movement is terrible.
Weapons are ridiculous.
Bring back weapon handling characteristics from real life (BF4)
The real sounds the firearms used to make (guns sound just like they do in real life on bf4).
Damage statistics based on caliber not random bs. .308 is a .308 and always hits like one. A 5.56 is a 5.56 and that is that. All 5.56 weapons do the same damage. Barrel length effects velocity and damage range. End of story. Battlefield is not COD so stop trying to make it run like COD. Make it run like battlefield or ARMA.