I'll give this three stars just because the first four episodes - especially the first two - are so good and there's some excellent acting. But sadly, that makes the quick unraveling of this series so disappointing.
It's hard to say when it officially jumps the shark, but you'll find yourself rolling your eyes with increasing frequency as the characters steadily lose IQ points as the hours roll on. Speaking of characters, you'll also find yourself wondering what the point of so many of them is after awhile. Spoiler alert: There isn't any, outside of to set up an idiotic shootout. And, yes, the most exciting thing that ends up happening in a horror series supposedly about the supernatural evil is humans shooting each other. Which gets to the biggest, most fundamental problem with The Outsider: The monster turns out to be really lame and not scary at all. I'm not sure I can remember a less formidable supernatural evil ever, as a matter of fact.