This is hands down the worst game I have ever played. You will literally have to go online to get a walkthrough and ways to cheese the bosses. I've been playing since Pong was invented. A great game is the God Of War series. This LOTF is ridiculous. You kill everyone, and if you rest, they reappear. Most boss fights, if you get killed, you'll have to fight your way back to the boss fight. Newsflash: that is ridiculous.The mini-boss fights give you basically nothing. I skipped some of them because of this. You'll fight the Wayfarer towards the end. You want to know how ridiculous this game is? I beat the Lightreaper, arguably the toughest boss in the game, but Wayfarer is ten times harder. No joke. The fight is in a small enclosure, and, when his health bar diminishes around half, he start lobbing explosives, which you will be hard pressed to avoid. Not only that, but you can't see what you're doing because the devs thought? it would be great if the entire screen filled up with fire, so you can't see where you are in relation to the Wayfarer. Save you money, and buy a quality game because this ain't it.