I'm unsure whether it was wise for Philip Schofield to do Cast Away but he's a highly intelligent man and must have known to expect backlash from doing the show. I just can't believe that idiot Eamonn Holmes is shovelling a bit more sh*t Philip's way comparing him to Huw Edwards. Philip has admitted that he had a fling with a younger man ABOVE the age of consent which he deeply regrets and has more than paid the price for it. Eamonn Holmes must be fully aware that Phil came close to taking his own life and his lovely family stopped him. Let's hope you are never in that position Eamonn because believe me it's a dark place to be. And while Phil is planning to take his own life Holly is deciding which shade of lipstick best suits her low cut top. Have these people got no compassion? You just keep touching up the 20 year olds who you think are interested in you and not the zeros in your Santander account you deluded old fool.