I was cursing at these idiots for a lot of the movie lol when the lady got a description of the girls clothes. why would you not call back 911? Giving this update would have alerted the cops on the correct vehicle a lot faster. When you knew the little girl was in the house why would you have not called 911 right away? The very end of the movie the predator and Shane have a shootout and Shane injures him with no injury to Shane. Shane gets off rounds clearly injuring the predators leg as made clear when he limps into the ending scene where he manages to get off two rounds into jaq. Tell me how in the hell did limpy pedo manage to beat an injured Shane into the room? Did Shane go grab a bite to eat and forget where he was? lol I mean I get it is Hollywood but so many ways to make this movie realistic and believable especially being around a topic that is very much real.