This update captures the feel of Serling’s version in ways that the last two versions did not. My only criticism is that I can’t watch it with my son and that’s so very disappointing. Although I’d rather not have it used at all, the F-word loses impact when used so much throughout each script. Not all Americans swear so liberally, or at all. I am hoping for some episodes that my son can watch.
I discovered the original Twilight Zone on public television when I was in Jr. High and High School during a time when mindless sitcoms of the 70’s and 80’s rules the airwaves. My son, as with young teens in many families, is being robbed of the joy I discovered from the cerebral stories that the best of the Twilight Zone can tell. Please dial back the foul language; you can do it without diluting these stories. Your show and your viewers will be better off for it.