I just re-watched matrix 1, 2, and 3 and noticed that there was a fourth one. I began watching it and kept hoping that it would get better. It never did... It felt like someone was attempting to make a spoof of the matrix movies. But no, it was just really horribly done. It's like someone was given a homework assignment that they didn't want to do. So they did the bare minimum copied someone else's paper in parts that never got it to work right. I'm sorry I watched it and I'm sorry for anyone who watches it. It kind of puts a stain on the other three. But I will just remember in the future if I ever want to rewatch The matrix stop at number three and don't ever watch 4 again. I think it would be like if you fed the three matrix movies into an AI machine and had it come up with a fourth movie. This is what you would get. A lot of duplication, no originality and no heart. Just bland and vanilla and yuck. Two and a half hours I'll never get back....