It's unfortunate that so many people who enter the music and movie world and up like Whitney and Bobbie. The movie is difficult to watch because I believe the majority of it. I was an instant fan of Whitney and still am. I love her music and still watch old videos and concerts. The best voice of my lifetime. Nevertheless, Whitney made BAD choices. She created this life we see in the film, it may seem unreal and hard for some of her fans to accept, but Whitney was not a saint, she was an entertainer who could not handle her own fame. Do we wish she was still here making great music and living a healthy life yes in deed, but again she made her choices. I pray that she held onto Jesus in the end, because I do believe she loved the Lord. Deborah Cox does a phenomenal job with the vocals, the actress for Whitney gets an B+ from me. Remember don't get made at the movie, get mad at those in Whitney's life who allowed her to spiral so far out of control, and are now are crying foul play.