i watched this with my 7 year old child since I could not afford netflix, we have stan instead, so i decided to watch this movie since the cover of it seemed interesting. As soon as the opening scenes started, my child started to cry and asking me to turn it off immediately. I told him to just watch it and give it a go because we were only 3 minutes in, but he was refusing to watch the movie. I eventually gave in since he would not stop crying and I went on youtube and put on cocomelon instead to cheer him up. Later on that day, when I was putting him to sleep since it was his bed time, i was leaning in for a goodnight kiss and then he grabbed me closer and whispered in my ear, “mummy the pigeon is behind you.” It was really eery and it disturbing. I shrugged it off and reassured him that he was safe and the pigeon was not going to eat him. I thought everything was okay after this, but after this happened again for several weeks until I decided to put him to therapy. He is now going to therapy everyday because of this movie, DO NOT WATCH!!!!