Ah, man where do I even start with this masterpiece first of the characters are all likable even the first main villain Zuko trust me by the end you will end up rooting for him the bending is so visually stunning to watch it's like watching art on a battlefield the way the move and the creativity they have with there bending the story is one of great struggle in desperate times which reminds of the first 3 Star Wars movies were the heroes struggled so much to get the victory but came out on top, in the end, its all about keeping faith and hope even in the worst of times this series will forever be one of my favorites and it deserves all the good attention its been getting and will get in the future to come as Iroh said in book 2 “Sometimes life is like this tunnel. You can’t always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you keep moving, you will come to a better place.” which describes the world and fan base of Avatar better than anything I can say.