This book tells the story of a Malaysia teenager that is dealing with OCD and the djinn (a supernatural spirit or demon) while surviving the unfolding chaos and violence of May 13, 1969. Personally, the writing is something I never expected. Her writing evokes a sense of unease and always being on edge through most parts that emphasized the OCD and the djinn that inflict her, along with a few moments of respite or safety. The characters have their own unique personalities and beliefs that provides us with different views and understanding into 13 May through unbiased lens. This book gave me a cathartic feeling and closure regarding 13 May which is often something of an ignored open wound in our country's history and offers us something we rarely get to experience, reconciliation with our past. I highly recommend the book to anyone interested in understanding 13 May or for those just delving into Malaysian English literature as it is simply a sublime book to read.