I was so curious to see what other people had to say about this film/book, and what I can conclude is that those who understand the underlying message will get it and those who cannot personally identify with this story won't.
I do agree with others on the bit that it was hypocritical of "Liz" to seek guidance from others, particularly men. This is about self-discovery, which in itself is no easy feat. But what people fail to remember is that we are all humans looking to make connections, have conversations, and, yes seek council.
Would it have been fair for any of her love interests to stay for the sake of staying? Why? So they both would not end up alone? To share and live a life that would bring unhappiness for one and the other joy?
I don't think it was selfish of her to be true to herself and end it. It would not have been fair to the husband if she stayed knowing that she was no longer in love with him. It takes an unmeasurable amount of courage to admit when something is no longer where you see yourself, especially a marriage.
Now, what I don't agree with is her initiating a divorce only to jump into a rebound situation. Seeing a 17-year-old girl, forced into an arranged marriage, only to respond with "I see you happy". That was a load of crock, but those are traditions practiced in Indian culture. Regardless of your own individual beliefs, there are some things that cannot go against a fundamental cultural belief and customs. Had she advised Tulsi to rebel, who knows what damage she may have caused? Simply put, it wasn't her place to say anything at all but showcase hope and kindness.
Now, the ending. Yes, she left one man to rebound to another man, left him, and then ended up with another man. But here's the thing. She found someone in the end who was more like her. Had the same dreams, visions, and hunger for wanderlust. Her ex-husband sadly did not. He was all over the place juggling his own life choices, but they were not in line with what she wanted for herself. I do think it's fair to mock her for finding love in someone else that was beating to the same drumbeat as her own.
Life is evolution. We all will have many different chapters to write in our own book. And yes, we all have choices to make, and beliefs to stand by. But most importantly is doing what is right for you.