This kind of drivel does a great disservice to real astronauts. The acting is good. But the characters are selfish and unlikable, the scientific inaccuracies make it hard to suspend your disbelief if you have the most science education, and the show relies on a string of bad cliches for drama. And as is the trend right now the female leads are elevated by making the ALL the men weak and inept.
By biggest problem is that it is all about the drama and that sciencey stuff is just a plot convenience.They can't even get the difficulties with communication right. Instead of increasingly long lag for the video we have to have instant video chat followed by an abrupt cutoff? Why? I feel sorry for all the real NASA astronauts and staff being forced to play nice with Hilary Swank for publicity. It's just such a huge insult to their work and dedication.
Unforgivably, it is slow and boring, and so a hard slog when you just don't care about the characters. Could not binge watch.