Where do I begin? I've followed Tim's career as an Internet Marketer pioneer since I first met him in a private coaching group called OMG Machines. He was one of the first people to share his successes with the group, and he wasn't like the rest of the braggarts in the group that just flashed watches, cars, and homes - even though he had all of those and more from what I gathered. There was something genuine about him, which came out in his Midwest tone in the book, Amplifying Average, where he simplifies the mundane micro-processes that we go through each day and puts them on a platter for the world to devour.
This book opened my eyes to being more open to taking chances in life, knowing that behind every risk there is either a reward or a lesson learned. While the book wanders off topic at times when he talks about his personal life and friends at points, it always comes around full circle to put his exclamation point on the point he's preaching to readers.
I have to respect the love he has for his family and inner circle and I got to see just how personable Tim is in real life events (I saw him speak in Orlando at the same event as Alex Becker and even The Wolf of Wall Street, Jordan Belfort) and to me, it's refreshing.
In a world of so many people trying to make money with that flashy life, Tim brings people back to humble beginnings and shows you just how you can roll up your sleeves, take some risks, and get that bag. Five star review for a 10 star person.