Okay, after playing through I had to write a new review.
Now I have read many of the negative reviews, and I am profoundly confused by 100% of them. It seems that non of you even payed attention to Last of us or part 2. It’s wild haha.
I’m seeing so much misinformation and prejudice.
Let’s dive in.
First off and foremost, Joel dies at the absolute perfect moment, in the perfect place, in the most brutally perfect way. This is a man who has traveled far and wide, he is well into his 50’s and has 100% served his purpose as far as this story is concerned. Some of you are upset that you don’t get to play as a Heterosexual male lead just need to stop gaming period and look at your own dirty laundry. No one seems to remember that part 1 Joel’s 12 year old daughter is senselessly murdered in the first 10 minutes, her death very much plays a roll into why Joel dies in this chapter.
I also think some of you seem to forget that this is the apocalypse and people die and he was well aged, lived in this chaos for well over 30 years, but for majority of you, you don’t pay attention to these facts or the time line. Which leads into the next part. Ellie, she lost everything as a 14 year old girl, and then comes into Joel’s life and they are thrust off into the chaotic world that we see in this series.Something that was everything but easy for either of them, they were both very standoffish and slow to open up to one another. Basically it took a lot for them to become so close, they saved each others lives countless times, Joel became Ellie’s Father figure, they loved each other, and part 2 shows you so many times in these little flashbacks just how much they cared for each other, they’re story doesn’t end when Joel dies, this was written into the game very well. Imagine you’re in a post apocalyptic world, and this man whom lost his own daughter takes you on as his own and treats you just as, and you finally find him after battling the harsh elements just to watch him get torn apart and brains bashed to bits and then getting your skull cracked with steal toe redwings. I do believe 90% of our audience would react the same way Ellie did, unless you’re a coward like the people who did all of this in the first place. Abby’s father was about to kill Ellie "who was 14" whom may or probably not have been able to “cure” everyone."He deserved to die" The story shows you compassion, vengeance, chaos, fear, anxiety, stress, pain, love, death. I’m finding it hard to see what this story is missing, again I think majority of these reviews come from people that don’t want to play as a gay female lead, and or people who just blasted through as quickly as possible. I have even seen people say that they just watched someone else play.You cannot write a review on a game you have not played if you didn’t play this one then you for sure didn’t play part 1 so you honestly do not get an opinion. And it is so unfair for the people that love this series, and the Dev’s whom worked so hard to give us what we were waiting for, for 10 years. It’s a beautiful game, so cleaned up and the story continues to be as painful and heart wrenching as the 1st part, as far as vibes and overall feeling of the campaign, it is literally an extension of the 1st part, they tell the story in similar fashion and it has evolved.
In a world of chaos and death, when taking a loved one senselessly, all there is, is vengeance.
Thank you naughtydog and friends for making the wait welll worth it. Could not be happier with last of us part II absolutely breath taking.