I don't know where to start with this mess of a game, firstly I've played this game for 3 days now and am left bored and frustrated with the thing.
Firstly the hit detection is off and there is nothing more annoying that unloading on someone, you see blood fly everywhere but they are unharmed and shoot you dead in a second. I've lost count of how many times this has happened.
Secondly I'm struggling to find a play style I like because there is too much choice if that makes sense. I preferred the older games where you had 4 classes, each with their own weapons and special equipment. Now I can have a sniper rifle with a wing suit or a riot shield, I can throw grenades that give birth to mini-genades that pebbledash the area. It does feel like battlefield anymore.
The maps are huge, but they are dull, empty and there is not much variety, there are no narrow alleys anymore. My favourite map of all time is Metro because it was pure mayhem, it was up close and personal where as this is not. You'll run across the map to then be sniped or blown up by an enemy across the map and you'll soon get bored of this.
Vehicles are what to expect from battlefield, you get your tanks, jets and helicopters as well as jeeps and hovercrafts. My main issue with this is that some of the vehicle are too powerful, the M5C BOLTE is ridiculous. It is fast and mounted with weapons that shed you before you can do anything about it. You hide in cover and you're dead regardless and the higher ranked player who have unlocked these at level 50 can quickly make your game frustrating and unfun. You can multiple BOLTEs running around too which adds to the pain. The new air drop system can cause headaches too because a few objectives are on the roof of skyscrapers which means if your attacking and have to get to the roof through an elevator you can now be greeted by a tank which blows you up, it's not fair in my opinion. If you're defending the roofs helicopter can bombard you from a distance and your missiles cannot lock on after a certain range which means you'll spend your time diving to cover and can't retaliate.
On the main game you have breakthrough, conquest and hazard zone which like I mentioned on the current maps get boring quickly. Then you have the portal which is the only thing that saves this game really, though finding a deathwatch can be like finding rocking horse poo at times.
Graphics are nice, but the bugs are numerous and the destruction is not as good. The game could be so much better but personally I'm annoyed I pre-ordered this, I won't do it again though. DICE should have, and could have done better than this. If you do get this game save you're money for a few months until the patches are out, maybe wait for a sale too because it's not worth the money.