Remember the all women ghostbusters? Well, They're at it again.
Everyone seemes to be swooning at the notion of all women cast! Yay feminism! Way to go! I would rather watch a fashion show if i wanted to see sexy women rather than wasting a good franchise over this propanganda.
Only thing noticeable about this film, was
that it got sexy chicks all over!. Apart from that, it can be easily crowned worst ocean flick ever( ocean 12; not anymore!)
Loose plot, lots of plotholes, all the old gimmicks from previous ocean's and none fresh. Not even one.
And why the hell does sandra have to sit in front of Danny's grave again and again? To underline the death of franchise? To underline the fact that it is only the mens' cast who can save the franchise? Or is it to the audience which was served junk in the name of a beautiful flick?
Bloody feminist swept piece of junk.