First off, I don't particularly enjoy reading Shakespeare and would not choose to see a live performance.
BUT some of the comments here about Midsummer Night's Dream are so off the mark as to be laughable.
Some of the reviews are written in such appalling English that it's not surprising that they couldn't understand the play.
Some reviews aren't even about MND.
Some say it makes no sense. The clue's in the title: DREAM. It is a fantasy where crazy things happen. It's got fairies, and magical transformations. It is as close to reality as Avatar or The Matrix.
Some say it is irrelevant today. If you've never been hopelessly in love, or jealous of your best friend, or been set on revenge, or never been prevented from seeing the person you fancy because your parents don't approve - well then it probably isn't relevant to you.
And if you struggle so much with the story (which is really simple) and the language then I'd say you are not been taught properly. A good teacher would make it relevant. Try rewriting a heated conversation between Hermia and Helena as if you were texting. Or make it into a cartoon strip.
Lastly, why read it? Because one day you might want a decent job. Might need some sort of qualification. Might need to string a sentence together, use half decent vocabulary, make yourself understood, be able to explain a concept. Some of you have a hell of a way to go.