Better than the Witcher and Wheel of Time, but that's not saying anything. After 6 episodes in, this is pretty disappointing.
I had no problem with the Galadriel warrior vengeance story line people were complaining about, after all, she's young by elf years and has time to mature into the Galadriel we know from Lord of the Rings LOL! I'm okay with the character developing over time. But the rest of the show is so uninteresting even after 6 episodes. I have not made a connection with ANY of the characters and none of them are super likeable. If a movie or TV series can't convince me to root for one of the main characters, it's going to lose me. Galadriel story is okay, but the rest are boring at this point. ZERO character development of any meaning.
Some of the actors are great and some are terrible. I'll leave that for you to decide. Some scenes look incredible (Numenor), while others look low budget (ice climbing first episode). Short haired elves...why? Seems a simple piece of cannon that is easy to achieve with good wigs regardless of of thrones was done it, whey couldn't this show? Armor always looks plastic.
The dialogue seems to be dumbed down for children and it doesn't drive the story or develop the characters very well. There is very little tension built up in this show as it seems very predictable. The best scene this series has come up with so far is the scene between Adar and Galadriel in the barn.
I tried to ignore all of the pre-release interviews that clearly signaled this was going to be full of "progressive" ideology and watched with an open mind. I have no problem with diversity in casting, but for actors to say that the diversity in the series will finally bring Tolkien's work to the world is a joke, considering how many copies have already been sold in the world and in how many languages. So far it seems like the series is actually more concerned about sending the "right message" than actually telling a story that draws you in and keeps you interested.