A movie trying SO hard to be quirky and clever it forgot its audience in the process. It doesn't matter how many ingredients you gather for a cake....from fresh eggs to organic vanilla...if you don't actually combine them ...its nothing to be eaten. The same applies here in this film. A myriad of well known actors, clownish and almost cardboard cutout sets giving a 50s vibe to illustrate a show within a show...... but no character development means the audience has to do all the work. When one character begs his father to pick him up after his car breaks down he casually tosses out " you never loved me" to which the Dad played by Tom Hanks " yeh well I don't like....."
Oh..... character development...ok.
Its not clever. Its not quirky.......most people will find it simply frustrating unless you're on something ...then it makes sense to make no sense. Its almost like someone said " let's see how abstract and unforgiving a script can be passed off if we dress it up in mid century styling and a lot of cameos..... so basically lots of icing....without that cake!