Watched this movie with my husband and we both teared up at different moments! I related so much to this movie because the past year has been filled with soooo much anxiety for me and the movie really showed all the complicated emotions that one experiences when going through high periods of stressful events and managing new and old relationships! I really liked how the story focuses on friendships this time around, whereas the first one revolved more around family. I would recommend watching inside out 1 before watching 2 if you haven't already, in order to understand what Riley (the main character) has gone through and so you can feel like you grew up with her! Disney and Pixar really did a great job with the animation, storyline, choice of character voices, and overall message on this one! I rate it 4.8/5 stars and would want to watch it again! The movie brought light and peace to my soul and made me really happy. Definitely a great family movie and a pick for people of all ages (an old grandma sitting next to us was crying, which made me feel even more emotional) ~~