Rubbish. Disregard the 5 star reviews here. They’re from the producers and actors family and friends. As a black man, I’m sick to death of wokeism and this show was like a woke Netflix drama.
And the acting? Yikes! CGI? Laughable. Story lines? All over the place. Take episode one where the CGI white lion, is enthralled by the African lion charmer. This lion calmly pursues and eats people in the stands and they’re still sitting there screaming instead of running away and calmly waiting their turn to be dinner. Ridiculous!
And then the family run INTO the square where the lion is, so that the black lion charmer could charm the lion AWAY from them.
this point I stopped watching; I couldn’t get through episode one. Check out the critics reviews on respected and authentic sites like rotten tomatoes etc and don’t be fooled by these five star ratings here.
Do you know how big of a deal five stars are? Common sense should tell you if they gave even two or three stars, it would mean they’re being honest. But five stars? Hahahaa enjoy your Oscar worthy show