NOTE: I originally wrote this post before seeing the final season. The final season disappointed me. The actors and crew did a great job as usual, but the writing was awful. I'm not saying the writers themselves are bad per se. But somehow the management decided to try to wrap up some very big story lines in a small number of episodes, and decided to resolve things in ways that seemed VERY out of character and VERY contrived. Who knows why they made these decisions - this is ultimately a business. But in a world where Breaking Bad and Mad Men could end their runs brilliantly, I don't understand why GoT couldn't as well. Perhaps George R. R. Martin's books will be better than this (whenever they finally are published).
Original post follows.
Pros: good acting and writing overall (both dramatic and comedic), with at least a few characters that are multi-dimensional and who evolve over time. High-quality special effects/costumes/sets and spectacular/gorgeous on-location settings at the same level as major Hollywood blockbuster films. Occasionally makes some important philosophical musings and societal commentary.
Cons: there's the inevitable trade-off between special effects/plot and character development, although on the balance there's still some good character development. In some seasons, some of the plot intrigue seems contrived to keep us watching, without giving us much insight or depth.
But on the whole, I've enjoyed it. Caveat: call me a pyromaniac, but I've got a weak spot for seeing dragons swoop down and incinerate things (which was well-depicted, I must say).