Ive not listend to this album until this week largely due to the negative reviews it received on release so i jumped on the band wagon of haters and didnt bother. Im disappointed in myself for not making the effort earlier. If you are looking for another Master of Puppets you're going to be very disappointed. Its NOT a Metallica album, it's a collaboration with Lou Reid, so expect to be challenged. I love Metallica and to be honest this is hard going, not only after one listen, I'm a few listens in and I'm still pushing thorough but I appreciate it for what it is. Artists pushing their boundaries and trying something different. You know what you are getting with Lou and as far as I'm concerned this is a great album. Highlight for me is listening to the whole album and then getting Junior Dad as the closing track, again in my opinion, it's a phenomenal piece of music. Junior Dad now sits in my favourite song list alongside very few others.