I could tell which parts were what director based on the choices made. The fight with Wanda at the beginning felt like an ending instead of a start, which makes sense since initially it was set at the end of the movie. I liked the horror and gore, but that didn’t salvage it. They could have added more of an arc to Strange where he became a father figure in America’s life so he is more attached to her, and so he could relate to Wanda more and find purpose and renewed happiness, but instead America was a plot device who didn’t earn her final scene defeating Wanda essentially. She didn’t have a training arc, she just figured it out because *the power of friendship* and because she *believed in herself*. They also completely switched up Wanda’s arc. She had just moved past Vision and let go of her kids. It alluded to her searching for them, but I figured they were just in another dimension. And not other Wanda’s kids, HER kids. She is smarter than they made her out to be. How can you not realize you’re not the others ones moms? The CGI on the third eye was laughable and they made the suspense behind it completely dissipate with the following scene where he is just *fine*. Also Reed Richard’s is supposed to be the smartest man alive. Stop adding cameos for spin off movies as a cash grab. Do it with intention!!!