TTK is absolutely ridiculous!
The game is way to complicated, the HUD is a mess and everything just feels completely alien when you customise a load out!
The graphics and overall performance is dreadful
Players float when you zoom in on them frame rate drops in and out!
Portal is actually pretty awful too!!
The characters or shall I say "specialists" have the most annoying voices and it just makes the game feel like it was made for kids.
The game has no sense of dread, there’s no art of battle like there was in BF1. The game is pretty much warzone on steroids. The graphics for a next gen game are pretty darn awful! You can’t even stay in a server. I can’t believe they thought this game was ready. Not to mention it took a so called three years. Nothing in this game resembles a battlefield game. If this game was made to make battlefieldV look good, well, they definitely done a good job at that.
Once again it’s a pricy game that’s just nowhere near finished, but, Dice already has your money! If you haven’t yet bought it, don’t!!!!