Honest Review:
People writing reviews on this film may or may not have watched every movie in this franchise. Well, I am here because I've watched all of them back to back and I think I would be able to explain it like a movie enthusiast.
If you were to watch this franchise and I highly recommend to do so, I would ask you to skip Bourne Legacy and watch the other 4 parts in the correct order.
The triolgies of Bourne (Identity, Supremacy and Ultimatum) are masterpieces made during the 2000s. However there are 5 parts to this storyline. After watching Bourne Legacy, I considered to be having wasted my time as it completely deviates from what Treadstone and Blackbriar programmes were. It had something to do with an Outcome programme that has not been shown anywhere in the early triologies, so it was a bit hard for me to digest. Jason Bourne never needed pills to survive. These programmes in the Bourne triologies had to do with mind control.
This movie Jason Bourne should have been named as Bourne Legacy because it shows the legacy of David Webb by involving his father who was an analyst in the CIA and a founding member of the Treadstone programme. That's what makes it a continous streak of the storyline.
Bourne Legacy is a sidekick movie and I would recommend you to watch it if you have time to waste.
Actor Matt Damon and Director Paul Greengrass both are the reason why these movies are a masterpiece. Bourne Legacy didn't have either in it.