The Irishman is a very good movie. Even though we have seen this kind of story before from Scorsese it still feels fresh and new. IT show that Martin Scorsese has mastered the gangster genre. The only complain I have with this movie is that you know the people in it are gonna end up in jail and that's the issue with it. It removes any kind of suspense from the movie of what's gonna happen next. Other than that every thing else is great. A lot of really good performances. Al Pachino is great in it and Joe pecsi's performance is also very good even though he hasn't acted in years. some really good visuals, and a just the performances I can't talk about the performances enough of how great they are. the movie is three and a half hours long and its very well paced except for a few scenes where you are like ok, this could really trimmed down a bit and aside from that I was with movie almost the whole time. so yeah i would recommend you to watch this If you like gangster movies or just like good performances so go watch it it's on Netflix five it a shot watch it in parts if you don't wanna watch it the whole movie in one sit.