I have only watched every episode once, and the reason is so I can enjoy it without criticism towards the show. I love the show, and all of the clone wars references that appear in some episodes.
I thought it was great to see death watch make it in a memory. I don't know if u saw a WESTAR-35 or 34, and probably won't know until I watch season 2, and watch Season 1 all over again. The Dark Saber at the end was a nice addition to the show, but I never understood how it became a symbol to the Mandalorian, who basically have the equipment to kill Jedi and Sith in that matter. I really want to see another Mandalorian in The Mandalorian... It would be great to see one from Vizsla, Wren, Vizla, or Awaud.
Since season 7 of clone wars is coming out in February, and probably going to have more Mandalorians.. you can probably imagine that I'm pretty excited.
One last thing was the B2 Battle droids, which we're cool to see in love action, and know what everything in there is cool.