I truly envy the people who give this game 4-5 stars and say they love it, it's the best COD, etc. I truly wish I felt that way. I watch current and former CDL pros play, and many of them say it's the most fun they've had playing a COD title in years.
I genuinely wish I could experience that joy playing this game. Instead, I mainly experience the following, hence the 2 star review. I'll update the review if I see the following change, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
First and foremost, the devs appear to have overclocked the skill-based matchmaking--or engagement optimized matchmaking, as I've seen it called more and more frequently, as of late. This has been an issue since Modern Warfare 2019, as the consensus goes, but I never felt overwhelmed by it before like I do right now. A lot of people did not like MW2 or MW3, but I enjoyed them and played them both a ton. In those titles, I felt like my average match was challenging, near wins/losses, and when I really started to cook, I would have a lot of fun slaying out. In this title, the average game feels like the sweat-filled blender that I would have considered a "hard" extreme match in previous years. I was getting turned off by the end of MW3's yearly cycle because a lot of matches were me + 4-5 players that simply appeared allergic to going positive (in TDM) or playing objective. This year, that feels like the average match.
I've never enjoyed feeling like I have to carry Timmy-No-Thumbs, but this year, I feel like I literally cannot. The game feels stacked against me more often than not, and I've seen a lot of commentators in the community using words like "rigged". And on a final note about "challenging" and near wins/losses; the sheer number of matches in this game that end 100-97 or 75/73 or even 100-99 is simply absurd. I've caught myself wondering multiple times if the game fabricates those numbers for some reason, and I've started paying close attention to my kill feed at the end of the game to see if I can catch it.
There are technical issues like "desync" that I've had plenty of first-hand exposure to. While I imagine this will be patched in short order (it seems to already be better) as more servers roll out or the post-launch player base drops and stabilizes, it is absolutely disheartening. One match, I'll have a great connection, hit registration, etc. and be in flow state, only to feel like I'm shooting marshmallows the very next match and get killed by people who aren't looking at me.
My subjective experience has been that I do not enjoy this game. It looks great, and when it works, it feels fantastic. I can SEE how a lot of people have the most fun they've had in years, and how it's their favorite COD since [insert decade-old title here]. But I can't honestly say that's how I feel... because, well, I finally got fed up with matchmaking for tonight to come write this review that no one will read.