I first read Beautiful Disaster when it first hit the shelves, and honestly have re-read it every year. When I heard that it was going to be turned into a movie my hopes were not high. Then when I seen that Wattpad Studios and Voltage Pictures were involved with the making of this film. I thought it would be useless to watch considering the same companies were involved with the production of After which was a disaster within itself. The casting of Beautiful Disaster was alright. One of the main things that made me want to rate this a 3/5 was that, the whole movie seemed rushed. There was barely any development with Abby and Travis friendship into romance. It was like one minute she hated him, and the next she was in love with him. I understand that the movie cannot be the exact accuracy of the book, but that was the major plot of the book. That should not have been rushed. Then with Parker only being involved with Abby in the movies was like 15 minutes at max. Abby and Parkers relationship was a good few chapters. There were other points that didn't make it into the movie that should have, but those were the main two. Overall, the movie itself was not too bad. I will say it was better than any of the After films.