“Cruella” is a 2021 comedy film directed by Craig Gillespe. It features Emma Stone, Emma Thompson, and Joel Fry. It was given the midseason award. The movie is pretty good and has some witty and funny moments. Exceptionally good music choices but too many covers. I heard a lot of good songs that were sang by someone worse than the original. The characters were kinda well-made but they didn’t seem realistic. Every obstacle was easily invaded, and it didn’t seem like there was a real issue at hand. Everything was done because they wanted to there was no real risk it seemed. And the time skip sucked we didn’t get to see how she got to where she was. The camera transitions were very cool and it kept the camera always moving.
It’s about a girl with black and white hair named Estella. Estella is a genius who loves to create very eccentric dresses. She lives with two guys named Jasper, a witty funny guy and a fat guy named Horace. Estella finally finds herself and gets a job so she can finally become the person she's dreamed to be. But It brings more trouble then she expects. She meets this what seems like a very honorable woman but as she finds out she is far from it. Now she works next to her.
Cruela seemed to get everything she wanted with not too much fuss. She wanted to necklace, she simply pulled it off the Baroness. The woman didn’t even notice. The necklace was in the dogs and the Baroness acted like it didn’t matter so Cruela just took it. I did like the end when she uses a parachute. That was the only logically way she could have survived and it made since. I like the idea of her being able to install her own parachute into a regular old dress. That’s awesome and unexpected. Only Cruela could have pulled it off. Also why did the baroness use the dogs as a weapon. They do know guns and hitman exist. Why is the baroness a straight up murderer. The song come together by the Beatles, completely ruined by some woman who sang it. The original was way better. I liked should I stay or should I go and a few others. So overall the music was splendid.
This movie actually made me giggle and smile. And usually, regular comedies aren't my thing. though I am very comedy driven most movie humor just is not it. This movie was actually funny. Estrellas remarks toward jasper are funny. Like when they are arguing and she says “then leave”. But it wasn’t real at the same time so it was funny. Like she would say a rude joke but it wouldn’t be from the heart. Also, the dog scenes were very cute and funny. The way they used the pup was unique and added an extra flare to how their group does things
You should watch this movie. For sure. It was all around unique and it held my attention to the very end. It is good for all audiences and everyone in the family would like it. Its also readily available on Netflix so most people can watch it for very little. Music and transitions kept the entire movie interesting.