The movie was barley recognizable to the book it was based on, which wouldn’t be such a big deal if it was actually a decent movie. The acting was subpar at best and half the characters weren’t even introduced by name. Major plot points were lumped together in big piles of exposition every 5 minutes. A lot of the writing of the dialogue was cheesy and unnatural, and didn’t sound like it was coming from an actual person. A lot of the actors were way to old to be playing the characters they were seeing as most of the main characters were supposed to be between 15-16 years old. It also was really weird that the shadow hunters just randomly had British accents despite the movie taking place in Brooklyn. All of the supposed romantic scenarios were really forced and awkward, but fine. The movie doesn’t make a modicum of sense if you haven’t read the books and even less if you have. The books were really good, while the movie was at best a rip off twilight.