I loved the show honestly! its filled with constant mystery to the end which made me always want to know what next... I love how the actors chosen were diverse in both seasons which is quite rare these days where non-white actors more so the black ones, get killed earlier on the show.
The show was entertaining to say the least. It was good..not average or top but more than average...you dig?
The sex scenes were honestly not needed in the show and did not add anything to the story line. They killed of Oliver, August (who was pregnant) and Havier without even revealing who was the father to august's child? they would have developed the story line and it would be nice to have a child born in space....
The constant saviour complex that the crew members had made me cringe hard! totally boring! "Oooh, let me do it Niko" ... "no let me Cas"..."but Niko you have a family waiting for you" .... "No I'll take the pills(richard)" ... No Richard, I wont let one of my crew members do these for me... oooh" SERIOUSLY?!!
The constant trying to save each other sucked and at the end of sn 2 when Niko allowed the Achain to take over her body... I came to the ultimate conclusion that she either really loves her job as a commander or just doesn't like her husband and daughter anymore!
One thing I have learnt from this show time and again is that the star of the show never dies even in situations where death is clearly inevitable. The fact that Niko even made it to the last sn 2 episode is absurd?! She was almost dying on every episode but instead... her crew mates are the one who ended up dead....?
After completing SN 2 I came here to review what others thought and am quite shocked at the low rating more so the rotten tomatoes which is at 6% as we speak!
What I would advise you is... just watch the show and judge it on your own opinions not the ones laid by people here...