This anime is horrible. The story just goes on & on & on. Once you think the characters come to a good conclusion which is often more than not lack luster. They come to another conclusion that is even more lack luster. The characters seem to be very over reactive. It be as simple as them asking people questions. And they’re yelling at the other characters over questions that normal ppl wouldn’t be over reactive to. And for this to be a “Adult” anime the characters do not act within a way to certain things that make sense. It’s supposed to be about regular humans… who do regular human things. Instead we get over dramatic simplistic characters who really barely have any character development. The good people are “good” people and the bad people are “bad”. While the “good” people in this anime get to perform acts of bad with “Reason” the “bad” people get talked about like devils because they do they’re “bad” things for “No reason” 😭 it’s sad. I’m on episode 71 & I’ve been waiting for the anime to get good since episode 18…. It’s very dry. Yet it is entertaining at moments. But that doesn’t make the anime good.