Inexcusably awful. Everyone else is covering how terrible the writing, acting and overall production of this show is and they are correct. I will just add that Disney's woke ideology should be offensive to anyone who cares about minorities getting good roles in film and television. They keep casting minorities in lead roles which are horribly written with no motivation, personal conflict, story arc, or characterization that tells us who they are or what they care about. It's the most offensive pandering and lip service. Disney is saying, "All that makes a person valuable is their gender, skin color or sexuality, but we don't care at all who they are as a person and can't be bothered to write good stories about them." Disney can get #*%*ed. They've destroyed Star Wars. Honestly, they'll probably decide the word "wars" is offensive and change it to "Star Disagreements". The people running these shows are absolutely brain-dead, uncreative, corporate shills. It's a shame.