This film is probably the worst film I’ll see this year. The story line was fine, the Pokémon themselves were undeniably cute, but the acting was absolutely HORRENDOUS from every main character other than Ryan Reynolds. The main reporter female character was actually cringe worthy, every single time i saw her character i knew to prepare for cringe. The male lead was as cringey as my 13 year old nephew trying to be funny, not cute.
I grew up with Pokémon, i went in expecting a light, fun to watch movie. I did Not expect A+ acting and story, but i expected Better. The science behind some scenes made absolutely no sense, and it made it more stupid than anything. I wish I didnt spend my money, or my time seeing this, i dont Understand be good reviews. Unless you have a pea brain, i could not see how the main fundamentals of a good movie could be non existent and it still be even OK. I hope This movie tanks so they aren’t inclined to make a second.