I loved the movie and thinks may be critics are a bit harsh on this spin off. It would be harsh to compare FB series with HP as nothing can come even come close to world famous HP series. Being huge fan of wizading world I am just grateful of having one more series to peek more into wizading community. May be this review might be a bit selfish from a Potterfan who just want to watch more movies of similar but if u ask me I would read all the books even if JK Rowling decides to pen this one too. Acting from Eddie, Depp and Jude was brilliant throughout. May be there might be some questionable scenes of some other Potter characters like nagini and Nicholas(alchemist) but all in all I would again book the first show of next movie to explore more about this series. I guess I am spell bounded by the wizading world but you cannot questioned the JK Rowling for her vision about characters. After all its her parallel vision that has given us such a brilliant series of movies. I loved it and can't wait for more. I am just sad this is only 5 movie series but excited to watch the great duel of all times of Jude Law and Depp.