-the extremely memorable theme song is a doorway into this exploration of a kind of a Twilight Zone between subjectivity and objectivity. like Jung, Simon creates his zone of entry into the 'Unconscious', and then enters through that zone of entry, and interacts there with the denizens of this Otherworld. Also, this is a meditation on the nature of creativity. for instance, do we really create what we create, or is it there already within the Unconscious, and we encounter it? along with this there is a sense of discomfort and of the uncanny. Simon has a great deal of power- 'everything I draw comes true', he says in the theme song. with power comes responsibility- is he ready at that early age to have that kind of power. when he enters into the land of chalk drawings, does he do so physically? if not- where is his body? is Simon shamanic, or is something else at work? We are ultimately left with a sense of reassurance by the show which could easily go in another direction- toward weird tales of cosmic horror.