Clearly the writers of this show are mistrustful of science and scientists. I feel like the entire show painted scientists as these unfeeling, single-minded, monsters who want to control the world. Not only was every scientific thing they said pure nonsense, the entire storyline was malicious without a single "scientist" having a modicum of humanity. The entire show was so cringy and creepy. I only finished it so that I could write a comprehensive review. It's one thing to write a story when you have little to no actual scientific knowledge and don't bother to research or ask, but it seems this team actually tried to demonize the entire scientific community. It was just weird. The action was decent and I liked the diversity of characters. And I actually liked the personalities of most of them. But the plot was just horrible. I'm glad it was canceled. This had the potential to be really good, but it failed on far to many levels.