I’m not even 40 minutes into this and I’m looking for the exit…
The opening scene of horse chase to a living room in the middle of absolutely no where town, just to end with what Wick does best..
What has already sealed the deal for me is how Donnie Yen’s character being so much modern day Zatoichi can fight and move at superhuman levels as a non sighted person, yet, is hands out searching and reaching for the very person he just bested in a fight to deliver the finishing blow?!?
Oh and don’t even get me started on the popeye-esk roll em up hand movement to land the finishing punch!! Such a toon!!
I know it’s all fiction and so, suspension of belief is required, but to the over the top cartoonish levels they exhibit here, is just a wee too much to follow up, after every action sequence being filled with ultra drama of the unfolding storyline…. It saddens me though as up till this point, this series was quite enjoyable!