Overrated, Not accurate, overly generalized soldiers during Vietnam, and some very strong anti-war politics that I that are continually pushed throughout the movie. Dehumanizing not only the characters, but also the enemies. I would have liked to this movie take a more neutral and respectable tone. This movie, along with others such as Shaving Private Ryan, All Quiet on the Western Front (2022), and shows like Band of Brothers have some seriously D-rider fan bases. I would consider them the uninformed little cousin that tries his best to be like”the old and cool kids” but fails miserably, embarrassing himself. But is ablivious to his stupidity. The movie didn’t even try to portray the war accurately in search of an anti-war message. It has some good scenes, but overall is only really appealing to those who know nothing about the Vietnam war and don’t care about what actually happened. A okay watch though, I recommend checking it out.