The main characters Melody and Martell exploit their family after Melody airs out Martell for cheating on her in the first episode. Martell is delusional and insane to the point where he thinks he did nothing wrong even though he carried on a 5 year relationship with a woman he called a peasant. If you hear the peasant speak, you’ll understand why he called her one. He also got her pregnant. Melody focuses on Martell’s cheating even though there are rumors of Melody sleeping with other cast member Marsau. Marsau is married to Latisha, a woman the whole internet calls stupid because they see how Marsau treats her (manipulates her, allegedly cheats, won’t profess his love for her, embarrasses her etc. if you watch the show, you’d think Marsau is married to Melody because that’s who he acts lovingly towards. Kimmi and Maurice are a great couple. Tiffany and Louis are the new couple. The show was supposed to be about construction and generational wealth.