The sequel kinda fell short on my expectations. Perhaps, Carnage symbiote was portrayed rather more freaky and violent in the trailer and promo-clips than it appeared in the movie. The story-line was great, and I think it could have been improved and made more exciting had there been more time, or parts given to it. One movie wasn't enough for Carnage's havoc on the world. It should have just kept coming; bloody, gruesome and barbaric--cuz that's what defines the Carnage symbiote.
Tom Hardy was great as usual. Too bad his love-story kinda felt stuck and going nowhere.
Venom was funny and full of tantrums--an aspect I really liked about the movie. The friendship between the two is bonding well and growing towards a strong BRUH phase. Which I found very cute.
So yeah, the movie lacked action, anticipation, and thrill. And btw, whose idea was it to just kill off Carnage like that? For good?! Terrible! Could have easily pulled two movies out of it.
Of course, I'll compare it to its prequel--so, overall a B- ,
or 4 out of 5 rating from me. :)