So many people are comparing this show to The Office, and they really shouldn't. No show is going to be like The Office, even if that show is made by the same creators. This is it’s own show. But if you ARE going to compare the two, remember how the first season of The Office was. It wasn’t the best season, possibly even the worst. Some fans of The Office tell their friends to skip the first season and just start from the second season because the show started to get better by then. This is possibly what’s happening with this show as well. Just give it a chance. Get past this season and hopefully the next season will be better.
Personally, I think this show is pretty good so far, and I’m only half way through this season. Yea, there’s not a lot of humor and some parts are dry, but all shows have those moments. The humor that is present, though, has me laughing out loud. Little things humor me though, so maybe this show is for people like me haha.