So far it’s been a good show and my wife and I have been looking forward to each new episode. I like that it’s not a Walking Dead clone. I like the idea and it seems plausible except for the glaring plot hole that it took fungus centuries to evolve to just be able to survive in warmer environments and only days to learn to control the complex human brain and manipulate the body. I didn’t play the game so I can’t comment on the translation to the screen or how faithful an adaptation it is. I don’t know, but I’m waiting to find out, how they keep audiences attached to the show if they keep killing off the secondary characters. Two very faulted characters won’t be enough to keep audiences happy. And episode 3. Do I think it was a waste and many a little self serving? Yes. Bill and Frank left no impact on TLoU world and did nothing to further the show except get Joel and Ellie into a truck with supplies that they lose. Same goes for Kathleen, Henry, and Sam. Characters with the potential to be great, gone almost as fast as they came. I hope once they get to Wyoming we get more reoccurring characters.