More than the first Quattro which I found perfect for lockdown and need to revisit, this 2nd silver packaged edition, much like his Renaissance 2 adds a deeper oomph to things, be-it chilled melodic (discs 1&4) or more pumping fare. The best disc by far - and worth the price of admission alone - is disc 2, ‘Tempo’. It’s start-to-finish a melodic/banging Diggers prog classic in a Renaissance vein, building so expertly but with his usual sonic twists and turns. Some real spine tingling sounds, even my 12 year old keeps repeating one (one) sound from track 5 into 6… you have to experience it. Very impressed. Disc one is summer vibes incarnate, but still sounds good anytime, more mellow and actually pretty much beatless. The Quivver’ track Nothing New To Feel track from his new album Revelate is a highlight among many here…float away. It reminds me of Way Out West’s superlative bonus mix on their Don’t Look Now album. Disc 3 ‘Redux’ I wasn’t so impressed with, the remixes or updated Bedrock classics doesn’t hold together as a mix, but good tracks individually. Robert Babicz’s last disc needs more time for me. It’s quiet and intricate but I’m playing this in the car, so probably best suited at home or on a long walk - gonna give it a while so I can’t comment properly. Disc 1&2 people- worth £20 each so grab one of the last copies!