A friend said he watched this and it was an amazing film. Well as a film buff, I have no idea what he was talking about. When a films opening credits involves too many companies, you know there's a problem.
Mankind has settled the stars, ok I'm good with that, but our petty differences are still present, ok typical dystopian view of our future.
Frank Grillo is billed higher than Mr Willis and they were the only names I recognised. If you'd seen Bruces latest sci-fi you would be aware that Mr Willis has definitely ticked someone off because at the moment he's on a downward slope.
This film is no different, it tries to be an intelligent horror/thriller but falls way short. Some of the actors actually try to give a convincing performance with a dire script, the fact that Bruce has very few lines which are delivered with no conviction or emotion tells a tale: I don't want to be here.
Save yourself 90 minutes of pain, watch something else. The tech ideas are plausible but overall the lacklustre effects, props, CGI and acting make this a film to avoid. Lens flares are a JJ Abrahms thing but this film gives it it's all with edgy camera work which really means you have no idea what's going on. Dis I mention you should watch something else? Good, do that, or make some tea, watch paint dry, just not this.