What a movie! I'm shocked as to why this movie wasn't in the Oscar listings! Applauds and appreciation goes to actress Kovai Sarala for her unbelievable acting skills as she took on the role of the grandmother of Sembi. Her reaction, face expressions and her acting skills is world class! Simply remarkable! Her role was very touching. Gosh! Actress Kovai Sarala have nailed the movie and she deserves an Oscar for her remarkable acting and the director for the storyline. Wow! Actress Kovai Sarala havenailed it!!!
Comedian Thamby Ramaiah as performed so well that as I was so into the movie feeling sorry for Sembi and her grandmother, Thamby Ramaiah have made us burst into laughter!
The child artiste have given her best in acting. Well done!
Overall, it's a movie no one should miss. A must-watch movie. An awareness to everyone! Well done to tall those who involved in the movie. WELL DONE!