Another amazing film from A24! Loved the uncomfortable moments and thought provoking themes throughout the film. A24 keeps creating refreshing films that bring typical horror/thriller elements interwoven with metaphorical meaning.
This isn't a movie for the average film watcher, if your expecting a rince and repeat horror style film you'll be disappointed. Which is probably why there's a lot of negative reviews. I understand the film is a lot to take in, but if you dive into the films deeper meanings towards "Men" the film is incredibly impressive! It had my partner and I talking for ages!
*SPOILERS... Kind of
As I understood the film, each male character Harper interacts with is a reflection of toxic traits her ex-husband/most men portray. As basicly as I can explain it; the naked man (among MAAANY other implied themes) is incredibly intrusive (like her husband when stealing her phone), the landlord not letting her carry her bags in, buy her own drink and constantly calling her "Mrs" ignoring her corrections (reflects her husband not seeing her as her own person but only a wife/woman being helpless without a man), the police officer downplays/ignores the potential danger she's in (like her husband did to her feelings of being in danger), the school kid getting angry when she doesn't want to play (is like her husband getting angry when things don't go his way), the vicar manipulates her words to make her feel guilty (like her husband being emotionally abusive for threatening suicide if she divorced him, passing the guilt for HIS own actions onto her).
The final scene (that seems to upset most people) for me was a reflection of how these traits are reborn/continue but are never fixed (which is why all the characters bare the same injuries her husband had). Harper is tortured by guilt and blamed for her husbands death, even though these are decisions/consequences all of his making.
- There's a lot I didn't add to this but couldn't be bothered writing a whole novel 😅 There's good articles that breakdown the rest on Google